Paul Stanley Solo Tour with Warrant
Date (May Be Best Guess):
February 18, 1989
Location (May Be Best Guess):
L'Amour, Brooklyn
The first memory is that we got to the club so early (I'm sure it had to do with being unfamiliar with the drive to Brooklyn and not wanting to be late) that we were literally in the front row, and I was able to read Paul's set list (which was taped to the stage floor) upside down. While this took away the element of surprise, it was also pretty damn cool.
The second memory isn't a great one, but it does serve as a cautionary tale. Being in the front row was great, but also being that close to the amplifiers without earplugs took a significant toll. My ears were ringing for days afterward, and my right ear was permanently affected. Having foam earplugs is a necessity for me now, and it is easy enough to keep some in my car.
The third memory will be entitled "The Pick Stick". The club got pretty warm with all of us packed closely together, and I had at least a thin layer of sweat covering me. This came in handy when a guitar pick thrown out to the audience by Bob Kulick (former KISS guitarist Bruce's brother) actually stuck to my arm. Easiest pick procurement of my career.
The fourth and final memory is more a confession of a move I wish I could take back (and believe me, that move isn't lonely on my lifetime list). Warrant opened up and put on a solid, high-energy show, which included lead singer Jani Lane walking among the crowd with a wireless microphone. He was giving "high fives" to the fans, and when he approached me I gave him a big smile and then pulled my hand away at the last moment (we used to do that super cool move at school, usually accompanied by "Ha! Thought you had a friend!"). It's tough enough to be an opening band (just ask any of Metallica's openers), so I'm sure Jani could have done without a certain big goon's obnoxiousness. The final irony (dontcha think?) is that I later became a big fan of Warrant, and thought "Cherry Pie" (née "Uncle Tom's Cabin") was an excellent album.