Thanks to the persistent efforts of community activists, a tragic accident has been the catalyst for some good.
Residents of Central New Jersey will no doubt recall the senseless loss of self-described "local celebrity" Edgar Miloshi (pictured) in the Fall of 2022. Mr. Miloshi was truly in the wrong place at the wrong time during Clifford the Big Red Dog's neutering procedure, which was taking place close to the Target store he intended to visit. Much too close, as it turned out.
Authorities pronounced Mr. Miloshi dead on the scene from "multiple blunt force trauma injuries". Although he did not appear to have any living relatives, he left behind a Schwinn bicycle, his goldfish Helen, and dozens of self-portraits.
And that would have been the end of this tragic story if not for the actions of community activists Bennett and Lucinda Martin, residents of Milltown, New Jersey (also the location of Mr. Miloshi's untimely passing). Thanks to their persistent lobbying of local government officials, they were able to assist in the enactment of the "Edgar Miloshi Minimum Neutering Radius" legislation, effective immediately. The legislation specifies that qualified veterinarians intending to neuter animals standing over 25 feet tall and/or weighing over 500 pounds must establish a "safe radius" of no less than 100 yards. Further, this radius must be maintained for the duration of the procedure.
"This legislation will go a long way in ensuring that poor Mr. Miloshi will be the one and only victim of an event like this", whispered Mrs. Martin. "We only wish we thought of this sooner."