(Reposted Here, Original Creation Date 12/16/2020)
In an age of media streaming and short attention spans, few 21st century television series have withstood the revolving door of public opinion; sitcom “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” is one. The show premiered in 2005, and having been a devout fan for several years, I had high expectations for season fourteen, released late 2019. I was not disappointed. The latest installment from the Paddy’s Pub gang features the usual scheming, bickering, sexual exploits, profanity, and lots of alcohol, earning the show its long-held TV-MA rating. The fourteenth season, like all preceding ones, is a thoroughly enjoyable experience attributable to shock-value hilarity and many layers of thoughtful social satire (McAuliffe, 2017).
Riding The Elephant in the Room
Among the entertaining yet trivial antics this season has to offer are group texting mishaps, cases of mistaken identity, and seemingly immortal pets… however, the genius of “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” lies within its ability to address very real, current issues with a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it subtlety of wit. Creator Rob McElhenney writes alongside friends and costars Glenn Howerton and Charlie Day, masterfully crafting the immorality of the characters to deliver the opposite message to their audience. In this season alone, the show tackles global warming, racial insensitivity, suicide jumpers, and life in the digital era through the misfortunes and transgressions of its five lovable antiheroes. What I find almost more gratifying than the humor is the writers’ skill for employing irony, karma, sarcasm, and verbal “winks” to convey that the misbehavior of the characters does not align with their real-life values.
The Gang makes a poignant (albeit heavy-handed) metaphor for global warming (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia S14 E07 Clip | 'Dennis Has An Announcement' | Rotten Tomatoes TV 2019)
Anti-Heroes of the Anti-Sitcom
Another trademark of this show’s greatness (and, in my opinion, the foremost key to its longevity) is the likability of its characters. Charlie’s vulgarity pales in comparison to his hopeless romanticism, and his dimness of wit becomes a sympathetic trait when we see how easily taken advantage of it makes him. Mac’s desperation and bullheadedness are better understood when we see his internal struggles with closeted homosexuality, absentee parents, and toxic religious zealotry. Despite Frank’s selfishness and disloyalty, he is the most reliable source of the show’s characteristic absurdist humor, frequently getting at least semi-nude and known for line deliveries so hilarious that his costars erupt into blooper-worthy hysterics. In addition to these leading ne’er-do-wells, there is a robust cast of fan-favorite secondary characters (Bojalad et al., 2019) who make recurring appearances throughout the series, such as beloved priest-turned-derelict Rickety Cricket. Each character has funny idiosyncrasies that have been fleshed out throughout the series, inspiring viewers to root for them even when they may not deserve it.

Frank's (Danny DeVito) signature bizarre humor (It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia S14E04 JPG | ‘Danny Devito Cooking JPG’ | FX Networks 2019)
“It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” is the blueprint for modern satire, effortlessly keeping up with the times and masterfully tapping into what its audience cares about while maintaining the same chaotic humor that earned it such a fanbase in the first place. Its five principal roles evolve naturally while remaining recognizable, and the demand for the returns of its supporting characters speaks to their popularity. The sitcom hasn’t lost steam in the fifteen years it’s been airing, and the most recent season is the ultimate testament to this evergreen charm and cleverness.
Works Cited
Bojalad, A., Longo, C., Sokol, T., Kurland, D., Bondar, D., Yancy, L., & Fletcher, R. (2019, October 01). It's Always Sunny: The Best Recurring Characters. Retrieved 2020, from https://www.denofgeek.com/tv/its-always-sunny-best-recurring-characters/
“It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia”, FX Networks (2019). “Danny Devito Cooking GIF” [Digital image]. Retrieved 2020, from https://media.giphy.com/media/h79eM0B07VP8f2jm7P/giphy.gif
“It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia”, Rotten Tomatoes TV (2019, November 14). “Dennis Has an Announcement” [Digital Clip]. Retrieved 2020, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ghsp_X7Ao2E
McAuliffe, A. (2017, October 01). It's (Not) Just A Joke! It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and Absurdist Political Satire. Retrieved 2020, from https://librarypartnerspress.pressbooks.pub/studentessaysculturesitcomv1/chapter/its-not-just-a-joke-its-always-sunny-in-philadelphia-and-absurdist-political-satire/